Emily Grenader

Emily Grenader grew up in Houston, Texas and moved to New York City in 2003 to earn her BFA from the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. She arrived in La Jolla in 2011 where she is currently an MFA candidate in the Visual Art Department at UCSD.

Emily uses various mediums to combine individuals into “crowd portraits,” exploring human connections from many perspectives. Projects from her most recent crowd series have won the Lawndale Big Show’s Juror Prize, and Kickstarter’s “Best Art Project” award. Recently, she has collaborated with engineers Nadir Weibel, Danilo Gasquez Rodriguez, and Fernando Nos to create projects that deal with human-computer-interaction, and her team presented in the 2013 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Emily has recently shown work at the Athenaeum Music and Arts Library and is featured as the launch artist in the 2014 ART SAN DIEGO fair.