Fun with Gravitational Forces

  • Dates & Times

    • Thursday, April 30
      8:00pm - 9:30pm
    • Friday, May 1
      4:00pm - 5:00pm
    • Saturday, May 2
      2:00pm - 4:00pm
  • Location

    Star Cave/QI

  • Event Type


  • Artists

    Jurgen Schulze

    Robert Maloney

    Zonglin Wu

Gravitational forces bring everyone down. What if they lifted you up?

In this interactive installation which requires the user to take an active role, UCSD students Robert Maloney and Zonglin Wu created a few experiments based on impossible physics that turn out to be super fun. In one experiment, you will find yourself able to bounce around in a pit of balls and a variety of objects. In another experiment, you can build your very own virtual reality marble track, with slightly modified laws of physics.