Drones for Good

  • Date & Time

    Saturday, May 2
    2:00pm - 4:00pm

  • Location

    SME WAVE Room

  • Event Type


The DroneLab will be presenting multiple 3D-printed robotic platforms that are being used to collect time critical information needed to capture and diagnose the target environment and ultimately save lives. Saturday’s event includes a live demonstration!

The DroneLab has been at the forefront of creating an integrative robotics initiative, designing, developing and deploying airborne, terrestrial and submersible robots that are carrying a variety of payloads, spanning multi-spectral imaging to physical sample collection and placement. Among these platforms are balloons, blimps, helicopters, multi-rotors (tri-, quad-, hexa- and octo-copters), remote controlled vehicles, tethered and untethered submersibles, crawling robots, robotic cameras as well as 3D printing robots.

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